Cobra ODEの公式ニュースが更新され、今週中に発売開始! [PS3 Cobra USB]
05 - 08 - 2013
Cobra ODE clarification
Cobra ODE is shipping to resellers this week.
◇Fatモデルと20xx/21xx Slimモデルへのインストールはハンダ付け不要
◇25xx/3000シリーズ Slimモデルと4000シリーズ Super Slimモデルへは素早く簡単にインストール可能
PS3 JailBreak 2 激安通販中!!
PS3専用ツール:PS3break2(PB2) ドングル「正規品」 激安通販中!!
CODE UNIQUE 3 PS3向けチートドングル 激安通販中!!
Cobra USBはFirmware v6.0とCFW v4.30リリース、CFW 4.30で利用可能! [PS3 Cobra USB]
22 - 01 - 2013
Cobra CFW 4.30+ & Cobra-USB FW v6
We're pleased to present Cobra-USB FW V6, available along with the respective CFW 4.30 from the downloads section! After successful Beta testing, we can confirm that Cobra now operates on 4.30 CFW, allowing you to enjoy the latest releases whilst enjoying Cobra functionality aswell. Thanks to all Cobra USB owners for their patience and support.
Look out for the soon to be released Cobra ODE, bringing freedom and versatility to the scene!
*Please note that region free support for PS1/PS2 titles still needs to be improved in future firmware update.*
②、PS3 JailBreak 2ドングル(True Blue) 5,850円激安通販
③、CODE UNIQUE 3 PS3向けチートドングル 4,430円激安通販
Cobra USBはFirmware v6.0とCFW v4.30リリース、CFW 4.30で利用可能! [PS3 Cobra USB]
22 - 01 - 2013
Cobra CFW 4.30+ & Cobra-USB FW v6
We're pleased to present Cobra-USB FW V6, available along with the respective CFW 4.30 from the downloads section! After successful Beta testing, we can confirm that Cobra now operates on 4.30 CFW, allowing you to enjoy the latest releases whilst enjoying Cobra functionality aswell. Thanks to all Cobra USB owners for their patience and support.
Look out for the soon to be released Cobra ODE, bringing freedom and versatility to the scene!
*Please note that region free support for PS1/PS2 titles still needs to be improved in future firmware update.*
②、PS3 JailBreak 2ドングル(True Blue) 5,850円激安通販
③、CODE UNIQUE 3 PS3向けチートドングル 4,430円激安通販
COBRA USB:最新「multiMAN Cobra Manager v04.18.05 BASE」ダウンロード [PS3 Cobra USB]
PS3専用ドングル「COBRA USB」の最新マネージャーソフト「multiMAN Cobra Manager v04.18.05 BASE」をリリースされた
対応システム:Cobra CFW 4.30/3.55
●Cobra CFW 4.30との互換性アップ
「multiMAN Cobra Manager v04.18.05 BASE」
①、PS3専用ツール:PS3break2(PB2) ドングル「正規品」 4,000円激安通販
②、PS3 JailBreak 2ドングル(True Blue) 5,850円激安通販
PS3チートドングルCODE UNIQUE 3 購入元:《》
PS3専用CobraドングルPS3 Cobra USBは最新「Firmware v6.0」と「Cobra CFW v4.30」をリリース! [PS3 Cobra USB]
22 - 01 - 2013
Cobra CFW 4.30+ & Cobra-USB FW v6
We're pleased to present Cobra-USB FW V6, available along with the respective CFW 4.30 from the downloads section! After successful Beta testing, we can confirm that Cobra now operates on 4.30 CFW, allowing you to enjoy the latest releases whilst enjoying Cobra functionality aswell. Thanks to all Cobra USB owners for their patience and support. Look out for the soon to be released Cobra ODE, bringing freedom and versatility to the scene!
*Please note that region free support for PS1/PS2 titles still needs to be improved in future firmware update.*
「Cobra CFW v4.30」
(PS,PS2,PS3,PSP)ゲーム起動可能 PS3専用CobraドングルPS3 Cobra USB
①、PS3専用ツール:PS3break2(PB2) ドングル「正規品」 4,000円激安通販
②、PS3 JailBreak 2ドングル(True Blue) 5,850円激安通販
COBRA ODE公式サイト更新、詳細情報完全公開 [PS3 Cobra USB]
COBRA ODEはPS3向け光学ドライブエミュレータ、全モデル対応できる改造ツールだ
COBRA ODEの公式サイトはもう詳細の情報を更新した
COBRA OEDメインボード(CECH4XXXまでも対応)
「Active emulation」モードと「Pass through」モード
ハイスピードARM MCU
256Mbytes SDRAM搭載
①、PS3専用ツール:PS3break2(PB2) ドングル「正規品」 4,000円激安通販
②、PS3 JailBreak 2ドングル(True Blue) 5,850円激安通販
Cobra-USB CFW 4.30+ PS2サポートはPS2互換機能を持つPS3のみ [PS3 Cobra USB]
①、PS3専用ツール:PS3break2(PB2) ドングル「正規品」 4,000円激安通販
②、PS3 JailBreak 2ドングル(True Blue) 5,850円激安通販
COBRA USB:最新「Multiman Cobra-USB Manager v04.04.02 BASE」ダウンロード [PS3 Cobra USB]
PS3専用ドングル「COBRA USB」は最新マネージャーソフト「Multiman Cobra-USB Manager v04.04.02 BASE」をリリースされた
対応システム:Cobra USB Firmware
●Changed folder "Paste" behavior in mmOS - when overwriting existing folder the destination will not be deleted before pasting
●Added 3 key combos in mmOS (for full list please refer to "navigation.txt"):
●SELECT+(CROSS hold) - Select All
●SELECT+(L2/R2) - Scroll to top/bottom of folder/file list
●Extended "FTP Server" options in "Settings": Disable / Enable (1 min. TO)...(9 min. TO) / (No timeout) to set ftp connection timeouts
●Added 4.20 to "Firmware Version" option in "Settings"
「Multiman Cobra-USB Manager v04.04.02 BASE」
COBRA USB:最新「Multiman Cobra-USB Manager v04.04.00 BASE」ダウンロード [PS3 Cobra USB]
PS3 Cobra USB
PS3専用ドングル「COBRA USB」は最新マネージャーソフト「Multiman Cobra-USB Manager v04.04.00 BASE」をリリースされた
対応システム:Cobra USB Firmware
●Fixed something that annoyed some users of 5x4x5, 4×2 and XBDM display modes:
After restart (or going to mmOS and back) game modes 5x4x5, 4×2 and XBDM
will display the last selected entry (game/video/music/photo) and will *not* reset to dash mode
●Added option to "Default Display Mode" setting: [Disable];
If there is no display-mode-lock it will make mM start in the last used display mode
●FTP session timeout set to 1 minute
mmOS related:
●Added context menu when desktop is selected (to Refresh, Create New Folder, Show Desktop, Reset mmOS, Restore Wallpaper)
●Added "Permissions" to context menu when single folder is selected (to reset folder access permissions)
● Double clicking on .p3t (PS3 theme) will copy/install the file/theme to PS3 XMB themes system folder (/dev_hdd0/theme); user can later install it from XMB
●Added support for creating shortcuts to /net_host PC shares
●Folders created on the desktop now open properly
●Desktop shortcuts to /ps3_home/video, music and photo now have proper icons and open the virtual folder and not the /dev_hdd0/* one
●Desktop shortucts to games/executables (EBOOT.BIN/.SELF) can be used to boot external apps or mount games
Game Compatibility / CFW Related (KMEAW/REBUG/ROGERO 3.55CFWs):
●Improved compatibility for the so-called "Black-Screen-Games" (BSG) which *until now* required
the "BD-Mirror" option and worked ONLY from external usb HDD (otherwise game would lock/loop/error during load).
●Now users of the listed firmwares can use the "BD-Mirror" option for game backups stored in the INTERNAL HDD.
It may improve the compatibility of over 100 games (some older titles, some newer),
for example AC1 / Colin Dirt 1 / Prince Of Persia / CoD / MW / Tomb Raider, incl. titles which had sound issues.
●A partial list of some games that may gain from the new option can be found here: (by GotIt4Free /
●It is now possible to set "BD-Mirror" option for games in Internal HDD and it enables the new functionality.
The option works both with PS3 Game Disc in the tray and in discless mode from /app_home.
●The option is available in the "Game Settings" menu for each game in the list
「Multiman Cobra-USB Manager v04.04.00 BASE」